Take Control of Your Money
First National Bank Texas and First Convenience Bank has partnered with Banzai to bring you clear, in-depth lessons that help you dive into the financial topics you care most about.
GreenPath: Debt Counseling
GreenPath is a nonprofit organization that provides resources to reduce debt, manage finances, and, ultimately, achieve financial wellness. Call today for a free consultation (844) 572-5922.
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Losing a Job
Losing a job is tough, but with a bit of planning and some research, you can navigate your way through it.
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Planning for an Emergency
It's impossible to predict a car breaking down or losing a job, but it's absolutely possible to prepare for the financial blow. Emergencies happen, make sure you're prepared.
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2 min activity
Auto Loan Affordability Calculator
Figure out how much you can afford to pay for a car loan each month, based on your current budget.
6 min read
Teaching Children About Money
These 6 activities teach spending, saving, and investing to kids.
6 min activity
Budget Calculator
Anticipate monthly and yearly expenses and manage your income with this budget calculator.
4 min read
Stock Market Basics
Learn how to buy & sell stocks so you can start investing your money.
4 min read
Handling High Inflation
What should I do when faced with high inflation and rising prices?
3 min activity
The Cost of Baby’s First Year
Find out how much you need to save for a new baby!